Net Promoter Score Technology

Net Promoter Score Technology Explained

NPS Demonstration

See how engaging SMS based NPS really is with Kade Martin and how it can be used for any service based business.

Test it Yourself:

Send a 0 – 10 number to 0488 810 313

NPS Trial Offer

Experience the ease and effectiveness of IntelliNPS by talking direction with Kade Martin by clicking here

Intelli Net Promoter Score Technology

MEASURE:  Customer Happiness.

INSIGHTS:  Gain Insights to Improve Customer Service

PREDICT:  Future Business Growth.

INCREASE:  Customer Retention and Referrals.

The Ultimate Question

Generate Client Referrals with NPS

The science behind NPS using ‘The Ultimate Question‘ is outlined in depth on our blog post here.

The Ultimate Question was adopted by one of the world’s leading Sales trainers – Brian Tracy – as a referral generating technique.

It is an elegant and effortless way to implement a referral generating system into any business.  Especially service based businesses.

 Click to find out more about The Ultimate Question.

What Do Your Customers
Think of Your Business?

SMS cuts through mobile phone inboxes.

The intended recipient reads 98% of SMS messages.  So sending an NPS via SMS means you can get reach and cut through.

Cutting through enables your organisation to get your feedback fast.

IntelliNPS is a smarter feedback system.

Text ‘ CX’ to 0488 826 800 for Business

Text ‘NPS’ to 0488 826 800 Real Estate