Risk Mitigation Series
International Routing
Peter Humphries - CEO IntelliSMS
International Routing vs Direct Routing
International Routing and Why it is a Risk to Your Clients
Internationally routed messages are delivered via an overseas Mobile Network Operator (MNO) to each of our Local MNOs. Messages are very likely to first hop between 2 to 3 International SMS Aggregators, then the overseas MNO – then a P2P Hubbing Provider and finally to our Carrier in Australia. Messages sent via P2P (phone to phone) messaging agreements which is illegal.
Direct Routing is sent via an SMSE (SMS messaging aggregation system) connected to the three local Carriers SMSC. Messaging is done via legal A2P contracts. (Application to Phone).
Unknown to many all 3 Carriers in Australia run firewalls to block international messages. There are SMS Aggregators that work with the Carriers to help maintain these firewalls to block internationally routed messages.
Firewall technology is improving all the time so even if your messages are being delivered now via international routes it is not guaranteed that tomorrow this will still be the case.
Most blocking is only done partially. So some messages get through and others do not, as chosen by the Carrier, not you.
Your message content, sender id and destination address of your message will be stored on overseas servers which are likely to be in countries with very little privacy legislation.
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