Risk Mitigation Series
Fake Delivery Receipts
Fake Delivery Receipts
Peter Humphries - CEO
Fake Delivery Receipts
Although a short topic this is a very important issue.
Many Carrier filters, when they block messages, send a delivery receipt to the sender with a 'delivered' status.
In this scenario you are told your messages were delivered, but you have no idea if they were or were not.
Running test processes to test this is basically impossible as you would have to send test messages regularly to many phones with real SIM cards.
It is most likely that a delivery issue will be picked up first by your customer. This is not a good scenario for your business.
While Intelli Messaging offers mixed international routing at cheaper pricing, we don’t recommend it.
Why send an SMS message if you are not concerned if it gets delivered!
99% of the messages we process are sent via Direct Routing at the choice of our customers.
Do you know if your messages are really delivered?
or Call 1300 015 013